1 - I am a sensory cheese taster.
2 - Despite I taste cheese everyday... I still like cheese.. just a little more selective than other people!
3 - Daughter no. 1 - Cameron the ballerina princess 8yrs who at this age even cries during a cartoon movie!!! A real softy.
4 - Daughter no. 2 Bailee, or Bee for short. 5yrs - Rottweiler in nature, picks on her older sister and have only just 1/2 hour ago read her last school report "Loud and boisterous", although to be fair... I did warn her teacher!!!
5 - Have been card making for a few years, scrap booking for a few months. Totally addicted.
6 - Getting hair cut and colored tomorrow, hubby wants me to go blonde - so I will go dark. LOL
7 - I used to ride racehorses for a living when I left school
8 - I got married in Fiji, and plan on taking the girls there next year.
9 - Mmmm this is hard, how interesting can one person be???
10 - As organised as I like to be... my craft room is a mess again and I still haven't finished of the Christmas shopping!!!
Thats all folks!!!