Sunday, 11 November 2012


OK.. so I have hijacked 2 Molly photos from Chris's blog again!! We are on a Molly countdown here with 5 days to go until she joins our family. Of course Bee still has know idea that Molly is her Christmas present.. she still thinks Viv is getting a puppy!... so on with the photos...

 Today looks like a crafting day.. time to catch up on all those DT projects!
Until next time....


  1. Such a little sweetie! How wonderful to have her as a surprise!

  2. GUESS where Miss Molly is RIGHT NOW? She's wrapped up in a blanket on my chest because she got the shakes after I semi bathed her. I will post a picture of her shortly.

  3. Might have to lay claim to MY puppy! She's too cute!
